St Nicholas Church

Agios Nikolaos
In the area of the cemetery there used to be the remains of a Byzantine church dedicated to St Nicholas.
Marbles and columns from the church were used in the construction of St George’s church in 1870.

In 1972 a plot of land next to the ruins of the Byzantine church was donated by Kostas Tziavaris for the construction of a new church to St Nicholas.
The initiative was undertaken by Papa Stathis, the technical plan was made by civil engineer Miaoulis and the building work was carried out by Giannis Simos.
Agios Nikolaos
Due to financial difficulties the work was interrupted and was resumed after the inhabitants raised the necessary funds.
In 1982 the church was completed.

St Nicholas day, December 6, was designated a local public holiday.
After Mass the congregation were offered refreshments and wine by local families.



Agios Nikolaos

Agios Nikolaos