Carnival on Koufonissi
During the three weeks of Carnival, on Koufonisi you will encounter the Maskari. These are a sort of oddly-shaped elf wearing grotesque masks, who go around the village, walk into houses and wreak havoc. The happy householders then offer them drink.
The village taverns and bars also hold masked balls. The Maskari will certainly put in an appearance there, too, to set the whole place up in uproar.

On the last Sunday of Carnival, the Keros Cultural Association undertakes to wear out everyone in a mad all-day carnival party in the centre of the village. At daybreak the dancers of the Tsouvalades Carnival Club, as well as other clubs, start getting ready. Everyone can join these clubs.
They meet in the village main street and all together, accompanied by a pandemonium of cries, car horns, cooking pots, drums and any other regular or improvised instrument, they make the round of the village, poking fun at the population and inviting everyone to join in the day-long party.
Charcoal grills are lit and improvised cooks prepare souvlakia, sausages and other meats for everyone.
There is free beer and wine for everyone and the village households provide cooked dishes.
Music and dancing go on to the final stage of exhaustion.
PS The locals are not easily exhausted.